Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Hmm i'm currently on attachment to the SAFMDC choir... It's kinda cool being in this camp... Only need to book in at 9.15am and sometimes we even finish before 5.30pm... Plus we're in air-conditioned rooms all day singing... Wish I could be here longer.. I even found that I recognised a few old friends and acquaintances... The type of people who can at least enunciate their words well... So far so good, we've learnt 4 songs, two latin, one german, and one englsh medley. The latin songs are really nicely composed, while the german one attempts to strangle everyone haha... I'm really having a lot of fun singing and ribbing the twins Jonathan and David Charles Tay. I've known these two monkeys for a really long time, and it's kinda fun to be working with them in a choir once again... Really wish this dream wouldn't come to an end.. unfortunately the end is all too near... only two weeks left before i go back full-force to my old camp... With 4 guard duties to do over 3 weeks.. oh the joy... all of my weekends will prolly be sacrificed... ah well...

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