Friday, March 17, 2006

Still Sick

I originally wanted to post about realising my own growth as a person. where i once was a many faceted person, showing different side to different ppl. I realise there was no need, and decided to become a rounded out personality. However, I haven't progressed very much on that thot due to my illness. I've lost my voice again. It's a very difficult fight against depression, but God is a powerful ally. Yet, not very much I can do to alleviate my position. I'm not as depressed as i once was, but I can't say I'm truly happy right now either. Maybe as a guy this may sound bad, but I honestly need to talk and be out with a girl. I don't know why either, it's just more peaceful and inward looking when i'm talking with them. I don't mind being with my male friends almost all the time. I just, don't know either, but it can be kind of lonely in a grp of guys talking abt things like basketball and dotA, when i'm thinking about stuff like philosophy, psychology and stuff. I guess i'm just confused and not thinking str8 in m illness. Anyway till the next update. A very tired and struggling mute. Sayonara

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