Friday, September 03, 2004


Things i should not forget about today.
1.) EMMIS, should not forget,but already forgotton, sian...
2.) In urban warfare, Armour technicians can triumph over Armour infantry... U'd have figured that people who handle guns everyday would know how to use them well...
3.) Singapore has some cool guns, but doesn't bother to get them for anyone, cos they have bugs in them.(tho no one seems to realise SAR21 and the M16 have bugs in them as well, one keeps getting jammed and the other is so low-tech, other weapons have advantage of range...)
4.) SAF is so typical of Singapore, when they want things done, they get it done fast and efficiently, but when ppl need them to do something, they are slow laggard and completely incompetent
5.) I have the amazing ability to be sick whenever i need to be well
6.) Promises are realy hard to keep..

Vulgarities: 3 (This is becoming a problem)
Smses: 6 (of which all i initiated)
calls: 0 (which is realy typical of oh... everyday)
Cheerio SAF, thx for nothing...


Anonymous said...

heh... got to your webbie from wholives... haa..

i think, from a point of someone whom just ORD-ed, you should check out what you typed.. it's a little sensitive.. pls control what you are typing.. or put it in a context which is not so obvious.. it's a little explicit liao...

Matt :)

Talion said...

haha, thx man will keep it in mind.. was a little stressed and irritated tt day..., guess didn't really think about what i was typing...

Anonymous said...

ha.. no probs. man... what are friens for.. or at least.. NS-men for... hAA.aaaa

enjoy your time in NS man... and if u are thinking.. who the hell is this guy... well... i left service 3 months ago.. still fresh.. .haa... take care buddy... let me know if u got problems.. might be able to help..
