Sunday, December 24, 2006
Lucas (my dog) would ask me to stay home and cuddle him more haha.
Merry Christmas to one and all,
Whether you be Short or Tall,
May you be joyous in hopefelt day,
As we celebrate in Blessed way.
Round yon tree Ornament lie,
Pray thee to elicit a sigh,
As the smiles of carollers wreath the porch,
And the turkey starts to scorch.
Take care rest well,
and peace be unto you,
Control yourself as you smell,
The food you really want to chew.
Haha, happy holidays everyone. =D
Friday, December 22, 2006
Some random pics... shhhh
Pictures from another cousin's wedding last year =D, this is my cousin Lynette, I know she's very chio haha
Her now husband, Ryan, honestly man, the most immature adult I know, smiley joker... Nice guy though...
Lol my cousin's classmates and good friends, i know a few of them...
My Aunt Angela, Her son, my cousin Carl, and my favourite dog in the world. Lucas!

And poor Lucas zonked out. Ok is all for nows. Till After Christmas!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Heh my subcoincious apparently..
On a conscious level, you might already be aware that something is troubling you, or eating up a lot of time when it comes to your friendships. But it's also possible that thoughts and feelings about your relationships have been preoccupying your subconscious mind — leaving you with nothing more than a general sense that things just don't feel 100% right in your life though you can't quite figure out why.You may feel dissatisfied with your current circle of friends or conflicted about one of your closer friendships. Perhaps you long for more fulfilling connections, or wish that you found your friendships less draining, or more balanced. Or maybe you're so frustrated with your situation that you avoid the topic all together.Whichever feelings hold true, your test results indicate that right now, your subconscious mind is working overtime to resolve the issues confronting you in this area of your life — even if you don't feel aware of it.
However, you can learn easy ways to tap into your subconscious mind and discover the source of the issues that are preoccupying you.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
My blog got me thinking
I have changed in surprising ways though.
I am still just a friend to everyone, but I have sort of accepted that. I will likely never be the life of the party, the attractive person people gush about, the charismatic person everyone wants to know. But, I am the person who will in the quiet place, when someone feels lonely or inadequate, be there, to talk, or more importantly to listen. I know I am calming because I don't force people to become who I see them as, but realise them as who there are, and how I know they can further their potential. I am still the guy trying to find my his own identity, but instead of flailing about aimlessly, I planned a route, an experiment with my life, and asked God to lead the way. I don't try to forget bad things anymore, because I have a new perspective in life, every obstacle I have overcome is a badge of honor, of proof that God's faith in me was not wrong. I also sadly realize almost all the couples I wished well in the first few entries of my blog are no longer couples...(don't take this the wrong way, I am not gloating or anything, I just wish there was more to a relationship sometimes)
To those who didn't know, my oldest blog (this is my second blog) is on deviantart, my username was zero01 or zeroxion I can't remember which.
I'm currently looking at an entry I had on June 2nd 2004 and just realized how much of a foreshadowing they turned out to be. Pretty funny in a way I guess, that's how things start, with the small things you don't even notice yourself thinking. Then again, God is in the details, and small things add up.
Silversword and To kill a mockingbird, my two favourite books when I was younger. Not only because they were my literature texts, but because they both touched on the human condition.
I believe that two keys things have hampered the human potential for greatness. Namely, Violence and Fear. They feed and lead on to each other, creating a cycle that is simple, yet simply there. Sometimes I envision a snake eating it's own tail, (no not the great ring for Aes Sedai in Wheel of time Robert Jordan fans), when I think of those two. There are so many things to be fearful for/about. Other people's perception of you, losing something/someone precious, even of just the unknown. Also, many people mistake violence for courage in the face of fear. People fight because they think someone is trying to intimidate them, people fight because they think it makes them look brave, people fight because they are afraid.
But fear is not faced down with violence. Violence is also not courage. Courage is being afraid, yet acknowledging that fear, and doing what is right. Violence simply shunts away fear, not dealing with it, using violence over and over again to avoid it. Courage is seeing the bear, and drawing it's attention so your friend can run away, courage is being afraid for your own life, yet safeguarding another's.
Then like in Socrates' APOLOGY, I know myself I am not wise, nor courageous, but I seek knowledge, and do not claim to know all things or even be knowledgeable, I do know one thing for certain.
I am older, in my thoughts I have grown, and I still have far to go.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
By popular demand lol,
Niagara falls again! (pretty old actually, jus haven't uploaded pics in a while)
A Rainbow for ppl like KM to admire haha
Can you find Jaesson's Fav Animal? Where's the squirrel?
Me fooling around in the wax museum, recognize the chair?
"All the cars cowered in awe as the heavens opened up!" lol, nah they're just parked
Ooh Cat aract, aka cat heat vision! (lol friend's cat so cute, say hi to Cookies and Cream!)
You think snow is good? This is slush, yucks
~I'm.... dreaming, of a whiiite, chrristmas!...~
The snow field, footprints in the endless snowfield.... ok not quite endless, and boot prints not footprints...
Snwoball fight! with erm... me myself and I, Irene left... as in never came... oh wells.
Yups so here are some nonsense pics.. enjoy, my next upload will be after the exams, at least 2 weeks time. Adios and say a prayer for me yeah...