Sunday, December 24, 2006

Lucas (my dog) would ask me to stay home and cuddle him more haha.

It's Christmas Eve here, and it's a madhouse of preparations. There are so many things going on it's pretty insane right now. And there's Lucas in the corner jus begging to be paid attention to haha. Oh Well, Here's a general well-wishing to one and all yeah.

Merry Christmas to one and all,
Whether you be Short or Tall,
May you be joyous in hopefelt day,
As we celebrate in Blessed way.

Round yon tree Ornament lie,
Pray thee to elicit a sigh,
As the smiles of carollers wreath the porch,
And the turkey starts to scorch.

Take care rest well,
and peace be unto you,
Control yourself as you smell,
The food you really want to chew.

Haha, happy holidays everyone. =D

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