Well, I'm updating now cos I'm going to keep my word, although I don't really feel like it right now. So here goes...
It's been a pretty bad week for me honestly. Like some bad omen, first my guitar string snaps without anyone touching it, then it goes downhill from there.
Sunday night, Guitar string snaps, and I have a slight case of insomnia and find myself unable to sleep until 3am.
Monday, wake up very tired for 9am class, have 4 classes back to back with 2 mini tests, 4pm. Then rush to pick up glasses,(5pm) then rush to have a small dinner with guys from my Campus for Christ Discipleship Group. (7pm) then get back to room to study physics, business and philosophy. (8pm) get a msg from my business group mate, he and two girls are bickering over the focus of the project when presentation and final proposal next week. Want to radically change idea. 3 of them try to corner me and I play verbal taichi with them. (9pm) Finally managed to get them to admit real reason why they want to change proposal, they think change focus that I feel is impossible to work with, will be easier. I almost lose my temper, but managed to control and just feel tired. (10pm) finally get them to understand what a 16 year old in singapore would. Continue to study, continue to have insomnia, die in my bed at 2.30am.
Tuessday, (7.30am) morning have Discipleship group, get down to it. After that have 2 classes back to back. (1pm) Second class is physics lab which I hate the most. My lab partner doesn't show again so I have to do the whole experiment myself, write a whole bunch of crap to answer the lab, and bring home my next 4 hour lab report, which I foresee I will hate as well. (3pm)Teach 4 people how to answer online econs quiz, on surplus. (5pm) Alone in room, trying to string guitar, answer some people on msn asking about the quiz, studying philosophy, physics(rotation), read business ethics chapter and eat a dinner that cools rapidly. I finish nothing, not even my dinner. Sleep at 2am cos I just give up.
Wednesday today, wake at 8 for another 9am physics lec. finish it with no clue, skip math to get some sleep, I got 58/60 for my math midterm, so I don't think i'll die missing one lec. (1pm)Go for business lab trying to cram some reading for philosophy. Have a 2 hr break after business lec to scarf down a lunch and attempt to finish studying philosophy. Key word attempt, answering key word, failed. Went for 2hr 30 min philosophy lec, and now have to catch up to even more reading. (6.30pm) Ate a quick dinner, read liberty oil company which has screwed up ethics system and went for night lab(8.30pm - 10pm) Faced down 2 donkeys, I mean grp mates who wanted to change, and now i SEE THEM FACE TO FACE THEY TELL ME IT'S NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!! THEY EVEN ASK ME FOR FAVOURS! haiz, so i say ok, help them with econs and a bit of math cos they're donkeys. I mean too slow in their own studies. Reach back at my room at 11.30pm, studying for tmr's econs lec and philosophy tutorial.
sigh... and that's my week so far. Why must the axiom that, 'just because a student comes to the university doesn't mean they're smart', be so true? Would you like to buy a vowel? How about a clue? What about I give you a clue for free? If you don't drink and smoke and get hangovers so much, you might do better in your studies! Since I'm such a nice guy I'll give another clue for free! You call me smart, yet treat me like I'm stupid, when you're in trouble you look to me for help, when you're free, you don't know me. So whatever yeah... Thank you God for the obstacles I have to climb over. Once I'm over this hill I'll be able to make more money than Bill Gates, or I'll freeze on mount Everest. RIP
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1 comment:
aiyoh... neph!!!!!! =(
BTW my internet wireless is still down. But at least my dad got the cable working! so I'm seated in front of the starhub modem in front of the TV in the living room typing this. >.<
hope things will pick up soon for you.
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