Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Deja Vu

Wow, first thing in the morning and I get a shock and heartache all in one shot. An older friend of mine had a new post in his blog. It sounded so close to all that happened to me in the first 4 months of this year, the things that plunged me into the deepest abysmal depression I had ever faced, even until now I'm not sure I've fully recovered from it. I find myself wondering at night, when the witching hour comes and goes, with utter silence and darkness, how far I'd have gone. I posted a mesage to him trying to help, but I'm not too sure how much I helped, considering I was pretty helpless myself in the onslaught of feelings.

All I can say is, 'girls out there, u want guys to be knights in shining armour, to be altruistic, to be like ACS's "Officer Scholar Gentleman", but so many of u play the heart strings till the scholar follows his heart rather than brain, the gentleman resorts to hook rather than crook, and the officer betrays his country. I hope all girls understand the power they have over guys.'

Anyway, I have to go back to camp tonight, go back to grenade throwing, so I will most probably do what I did best in sec sch, concentrate till I forget... Rather simple technique to learn actually. I hope what i Posted will help my friend, and will pray for him, myself, and everyone I know. I hope many of my friends both male and female never have to go through what I've gone through, jus hurts the heart too much. Ah, whatever, gtg eat breakfast... Tho i've lost my appetite.

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