Sunday, October 24, 2004


I noe it ain't exactly the most well thought out title, but, whatever yeah? Hmm, had this saying thrown into my face repetitively over the past few days... Quis custodiet ipsos cutodes... basically means, 'Who will guard the guards?'...(or if u're picky for a literal translation, who has custody of the custodian, doesn't sound right does it?) Anyway, the phrase got me thinking... Who will guard the guards, doctor to the doctors, or in my case, care for the care giver?...

I mean I like to help others when they're in need, talk t them to cheer them up when they're depressed. but when i'm depressed, normally theonly person to sit down with me and talk things over, getting things sorted out is... well... me. Not to demean the many peple in my life who i do share my troubles with... It's jus tt, i find myself consoling myself... A bit too often. It's almost like, i have to solve almost every problem i find by myself. Every emotional setback i suffer, i suffer alone cos i have to show a strong front to people. And recently, i'm jus really tired all the time. Even when i rest a lot, i jus, don't have it in me to be driven to do anything recently. I do my job in camp, i help those who need help. Then there's nothing left for me. There's also no one there for me. Sorry if i sound like i'm whining, and i prolly am,..., can't think clearly anymore, jus really tired. I'll blog again another day... hope i have a better rein on my emotions soon, they've been running amok for some time. Adios amigos...

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