Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Old poem ~ Lessons by S.L.J

Although I believe we would find,
A good road ahead, a favour in kind,
We should never leave,
What we've learnt behind.

From the capricity of human nature,
To the altruism of human nurture,
We come to understand,
How uncertain the future.

Love gained and Loved lost,
Ever we are ruled like Faust,
By power, greed, but finding not only in chemistry,
Changes irreversible, or heat lost.

We travel from beginning to end,
The journey on which life sends,
Of hardship, of pain,
Of a thousand footsteps in the sand.

The sandman cometh to all,
Only in sleep do we fly, and not stall.
Yet even in dreams, we find unstoppable,
The vision of the trench, in which lives fall.

Flat as a mirror, water on a still pond,
You reflect, on the shore beyond,
Then comes the stone, out of the blue,
And nostalgia, for thoughts we were fond.

Turned around, razzled, dazzled,
A change, this heralds!
A swerve in our very lives,
A shift in battle, a flag unfurled.

Adapt we must, or fight the tide,
Both invoke much hardship, I confide,
It is not an easy task,
But from this challenge, we cannot hide.

Soon enough the beach is still,
The ripples disappear,
The tide goes out,
And to the victor goes the spoils.

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